
Showing posts from February, 2024

Update in Life

Where am I headed right now in life you might ask?  I decided that I plan on going back to school and finish on earning a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice through a accredited university. I understand that some people may criticize or ridicule me for the choices I make but, I feel like this is the best decision for me.  I have been doing security for 6 years now and quite honestly I am growing tired of it. The industry as whole is quite interesting and you can learn a lot from it, but as I continue to grow older in the upcoming years, so is my mind and body.  I want to take things the next level and start looking for a rewarding career that I can be happy in and find fulfilling.  I have a couple of both short and long term goals. Some of my long term goals is to go into law and find a nice stable place that I can call my home.  Short Term goals: Finish my bachelor's degree, move out of the current state I live in, and secure a job in criminal justice.  Long Term goals: Go

Evolution of Security within 20 years

Specifically, in the US, there have been several notable events in the 21st century over the past 20 years that have transformed security and our perception of it. Some examples include: 2001: 9/11 2003: War on Terror 2008: Great Recession 2015: Ferguson Riots 2020: COVID-19 Pandemic 2020: George Floyd Riots (Police Reform) These events have significantly impacted the industry and how we approach security. 2001 : following the September 11 attacks—the deadliest terrorist attacks on US soil—a federal security service called the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was established by the Bush Administration. Federal security officers were employed to enhance airport security nationwide, tasked with maintaining safety and screening for weapons. 2003 : The US was engaged in two major conflicts in the Middle East: the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. This period saw a boom in private security contracting. Firms like Academi, formerly known as Blackwater Consulting, provided private securi