Evolution of Security within 20 years

Specifically, in the US, there have been several notable events in the 21st century over the past 20 years that have transformed security and our perception of it. Some examples include:

2001: 9/11

2003: War on Terror

2008: Great Recession

2015: Ferguson Riots

2020: COVID-19 Pandemic

2020: George Floyd Riots (Police Reform)

These events have significantly impacted the industry and how we approach security.

2001: following the September 11 attacks—the deadliest terrorist attacks on US soil—a federal security service called the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was established by the Bush Administration. Federal security officers were employed to enhance airport security nationwide, tasked with maintaining safety and screening for weapons.

2003: The US was engaged in two major conflicts in the Middle East: the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. This period saw a boom in private security contracting. Firms like Academi, formerly known as Blackwater Consulting, provided private security forces in the Middle East to guard bases and escort VIPs.

2008:  The Great Recession, triggered by the collapse of the housing market and the bailout of large corporations, had a profound effect on the security industry. Thousands of security professionals were laid off, forcing companies to devise creative solutions to compensate for the personnel losses. Many experienced and seasoned security personnel were laid off or forced into early retirement.

2015: Ferguson, Missouri, experienced significant riots in response to an off-duty police officer's fatal shooting of an unarmed Black man, Mike Brown. The incident was widely viewed as unjustified and sparked national outrage, coinciding with the formation of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, which gained further traction in subsequent years. The riots in Ferguson, which resulted in millions of dollars in property damage, highlighted the demand for private security to protect local businesses.

2020 was memorable for several major events that altered US policy and law.

March 2020, the US government announced that COVID-19, initially referred to as the Wuhan Virus, had spread to mainland US, affecting thousands. A health emergency was declared, leading to the shutdown of non-essential businesses and the imposition of lockdowns. The lockdown, initially expected to last a few weeks to a month, extended further, impacting many Americans, including non-essential security professionals. However, essential security personnel experienced increased workloads and overtime.

 June 2020, despite ongoing lockdown measures, the death of George Floyd under police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota, sparked nationwide protests demanding police reform and accountability for the officers involved. The subsequent riots and looting affected multiple cities and led to significant changes in police and security practices, including:

              1. The implementation of new department policies for interacting with the public and suspects.

              2. Many departments required the wearing of body-worn cameras (BWCs) whenever officers had interactions with the general public or suspects 

            3. The loss of immunity for some police departments, making officers civilly liable for their actions at their own expense.

           4. Increased scrutiny of police and security by the media and public.

           5. Calls to defund the police, leading to budget cuts in many departments. 

          6. A shift from command-style policing to approaches based on emotional intelligence, considering the feelings and reactions of individuals when given lawful orders.

         7.  A push for greater transparency.

These events underscore the evolving nature of security and the need for continuous adaptation in response to societal changes.


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